Monday, January 5, 2015

No excuse physical activity!

Part of our healthy new year plan involves physical exercise. So here is a post to help you out. This is the minimum of what we plan on doing daily. 
Do exercise daily. We all know that physical activity is important. But it is hard to find time to go to the gym. So this year we resolve to do 4 minutes of exercise a day! I can just hear you now: “4 minutes… but that’s nothing.” You are right! You have 1440 minutes each day. 4 minutes is .002% of your day. So there is literally NO EXCUSE not to meet this resolution. 

The idea of 4 minutes of workout comes from the Tabata training protocol. This training protocol involves performing a particular exercise (or exercises) at high intensity for 20 seconds followed by 10 seconds of rest. This is repeated 8 times for a total training time of 4 minutes. The wonderful thing about Tabata is that YOU set the pace. As you do this on a daily basis, you will see how your fitness level improves as you are able to do more in your 4 minutes as time goes by. (This is a great website to check out for more info on Tabata )

You don’t need any equipment to perform these exercises. You can do them in your PJs if you want. You can do them inside or outside. You can do them alone or in a group. What I suggest is getting your whole family together each day to do the workouts together. The moves aren’t difficult and won’t take long to learn. If you do this with your kids and loved ones you will be helping them to get healthy too!

First I will introduce you to each “move”. Some of these you will know how to do already. Others may be new to you. So I will provide you some pictures. To make your own Tabata workout, simply choose 8 moves and do each for 20 seconds with 10 seconds of rest between. Or you can chose 2 moves and alternate them for a total of 4 minutes.
1) Jumping Jacks
3) Mountain Climber
4)High Knees
5) Imaginary Jump Rope
6) Skaters
7) Butt Kicks
8) Push Ups
9) Lunges
10) Squats
11) Curtsy Lunge
12) Lunge Jumps
12)Squat Jumps
13) Bridge Up Downs
14) Wall Sits
16)Plank Jacks
17)Ski Hops
18) Spiderman Planks
19)Leg Raises
20) Supermans
21) Triceps Dips
22)Side Squats
23) Calf Raises
24) Russian Twists
25)Bicycle crunches

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